
Book Market & Antique Mezzanine - Oakland, Maryland

The cleverly named Book Mark’et & Antique Mezzanine in Oakland, Maryland, is a quaint, cozy shop in what appears to be a quaint and cozy small town. At least, that was the impression I got on my quick stop through the area. The shop’s storefront is an inviting array of beautiful flowers, bright colors, and a carefully curated window display of books and collectibles.

Stepping inside, you’ll be greeted with a variety of shelves and table displays featuring a wide array of new inventory in hardcover and paperback, covering all the expected genres. There’s current fiction and non-fiction, classics, a large selection of cookbooks, and an impressive children’s section with tons of books, toys, and games. Displayed throughout the shop is a variety of Melissa & Doug stuffed animals and merchandise – lions, eagles, sloths, and more. 

And if that isn’t enough, on the small mezzanine level is a nice selection of antique items like furniture, artwork, and décor. 

While I didn’t introduce myself as a blogger on this stop (I don’t always do that when I’m just quickly passing through), the two staff people I met were friendly and chatty as we discussed my purchases and talked about the new Alex Michaelides they were unboxing. The shop’s website and Facebook page claims that personal service is its cornerstone, and if my brief interactions are any indication, I can attest to its truth.

For a charming shop with an impressive collection of books, antiques, and children’s toys, check out Book Mark’et & Antique Mezzanine. The shop is open Wednesday through Saturday and is located at 111 South 2ndStreet, Oakland, Maryland. 

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