The Book Dragon Shop – Staunton, Virginia
Staunton, Virginia, is a charming small town full of restaurants and boutique shops. But in 2019, the town was missing a much-needed staple: an independent bookstore. So when Sandra Cararo decided to turn a lifelong dream into a reality, the corner storefront that became The Book Dragon Shop was the perfect location.
“I really like the Staunton area and love going downtown,” Sandi told the News Leader when the shop opened in July 2019. “I wanted someplace that had a walking area and the historical downtown fits that.
Bringing 20 years of experience as a chain store bookseller to her own space, Sandi has created a welcoming and vibrant shop that fits perfectly with historic downtown Staunton. The store specializes in new inventory, with a small and carefully curated selection of used books and a creative selection of gifts, from candies to local crafts, pottery and jewelry.
There are impressive selections of contemporary fiction, non-fiction, young adult, children’s books and more. The shop supports local and regional authors with a consignment program and a calendar of in-store author signings.
The Book Dragon Shop is located at 102 W. Beverly Street, Staunton, Virginia. Open daily.